
Maximo 5, Maximo 6 or Maximo 7 has to be installed on the user's machine. Java 1.5 or higher and Eclipse 3.3 or higher are also required. If you have already set default java home on your machine (typically this is java used for running your application server), you can edit eclipse.ini file, and set the virtual machine used for running Eclipse in this file, like on the picture below. Another option is to create shortcut (for Windows system) and define this option in the target fields.

Installing Maximo developer

In the Help menu of Eclipse choose:
Software Updates -> Find and Install -> Search for new features to install

Click on "New Remote Site" button. Enter the following values:

Name: Maximo Developer

Select the newly created remote site in dialog, and go through the process of installation.

Alternatevly, if you are not able to access update site , you can get plugin jar file on the project site:
Download the latest release jar file, and put it in <Eclipse installation dir>/plugins directory
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